Go home Rhino Times, you're drunk (and sexist)

Welcome to the page dedicated to discussing the Rhino Times and its presence in the world of news and media. At 312 Marketing, we strive to uphold the values of inclusivity, respect, and professionalism in the realm of marketing and advertising. In this article, we aim to shed light on the problematic aspects of the Rhino Times and its content, particularly in terms of sexism and offensive language.

Understanding the Rhino Times

The Rhino Times is a newspaper that has gained attention for its controversial articles and provocative approach to reporting. While freedom of speech and journalistic integrity are essential pillars of any publication, it is crucial to analyze content that perpetuates harmful stereotypes and engages in offensive language. With this in mind, let's explore some examples of concerning instances found within the Rhino Times.

The Problematic Language

One of the primary concerns surrounding the Rhino Times is its use of sexist language. As marketing professionals, we understand the impact that words have on shaping perceptions and reinforcing gender stereotypes. Unfortunately, the Rhino Times has been known to employ derogatory terms and offensive language in their articles, creating an unwelcoming environment for readers.

By promoting gender equality and inclusivity, 312 Marketing strives to challenge harmful representations and encourage respectful discourse. We believe in leveraging language as a tool for positive change rather than perpetuating discriminatory norms.

Whose Voices Are Amplified?

Another aspect worth examining is the representation and underrepresentation of certain groups in the Rhino Times. A responsible and inclusive publication should aim to amplify diverse voices and perspectives. However, the Rhino Times appears to prioritize sensationalism and controversy, potentially overlooking the importance of providing a platform for a diverse range of voices.

312 Marketing recognizes the power of inclusivity, diversity, and authentic representation in marketing and advertising. We firmly believe that celebrating various viewpoints fosters a richer narrative and promotes a more respectful and accepting society.

The Way Forward

At 312 Marketing, we advocate for responsible and progressive practices in the marketing and advertising industry. To overcome the challenges posed by the Rhino Times, we propose the following initiatives:

  1. Embracing Inclusivity: By prioritizing diversity in our messaging, we can create marketing campaigns that resonate with a broader audience and challenge societal norms in a positive manner.
  2. Promoting Respectful Language: Language matters. By using inclusive and respectful language, we can create an environment that values all individuals and avoids perpetuating harmful stereotypes.
  3. Advocating for Responsible Journalism: We encourage responsible reporting and journalistic integrity that abides by ethical standards and promotes constructive dialogue.
  4. Supporting Inclusive Platforms: As consumers, we have the power to choose where we get our news. By gravitating toward publications that prioritize inclusivity and diversity, we can influence the media landscape as a whole.


It is crucial for businesses and consumers alike to critically analyze the content they consume and its impact on society. The Rhino Times, with its controversial content and use of offensive language, demands our attention as responsible marketing professionals. At 312 Marketing, we are committed to promoting inclusivity, challenging harmful representations, and advocating for positive change within the industry.

Join us in shaping a future where marketing and advertising uplift and inspire, rather than perpetuate harmful stereotypes. Say no to sexism, say no to offensive language, and say yes to a more inclusive and respectful world.
